Project Details
16-587, STP-000-S(916)--2C-00
Federal Highway Administration
Iowa Department of Transportation
Iowa Statewide Transportation Innovation Council
Neal Hawkins email >Director Research Administration, ISU
About the research
The goal of this project was to establish the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) open traffic data service, which will allow vendors and agencies to provide near real-time, proactive alerts to commercial drivers regarding traffic conditions along their routes. This open data service provides operations-related data to any commercial, public or private entity to develop their own applications or integrate these data into their existing hardware, software, and logistics systems.
The open data service makes transportation related data accessible to both internal DOT and external third-party users. A combination of high-performance computing (HPC) on premise and on the cloud was used to create data feeds which provide clean data streams, alerts for traffic congestion using machine learning, performance reporting, and data analytics.