Project Details
Katelyn Freeseman
About the research
Accelerated bridge construction (ABC) is the solution of choice to upgrade substandard bridges or construct new bridges while maintaining traffic flow and optimizing safety through work zones. However, the perception of higher construction costs for ABC versus conventional construction continues in spite of numerous ABC projects having lower construction costs compared to conventional construction. This inaccurate perception and the fear of cost overruns are causing some bridge owners to be reluctant to implement ABC technologies, especially those technologies related to bridge system moves, which can provide the greatest benefits for safety and traffic flow.
While the traditional contracting method for state departments of transportation (DOTs) is primarily unit price contracting, there are alternatives, including cost plus, lump sum, lump sum with a guaranteed maximum price, and progressive lump sum with a guaranteed maximum price. To date, there has been little investigation into the use of these alternative contracting methods for ABC projects. This project explored the use of these options to understand the state of practice regarding contracting methods and provide insights and lessons learned for DOTs.