InTrans / Oct 03, 2024
CP Tech Center awarded FHWA cooperative agreement
The CP Tech Center’s technical approach under the FHWA cooperative agreement
The National Concrete Pavement Technology Center (CP Tech Center) and Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) signed a five-year $6.7 million cooperative agreement on the Development and Deployment of Innovative Technologies for Concrete Pavement in late September 2024.
The CP Tech Center will lead a team consisting of the foremost academics and practitioners from 9 universities and 13 consulting firms from across the country.
“The Center’s team represents a great cross section of experienced experts and energetic emerging leaders in our industry,” said CP Tech Center’s Director Peter Taylor. “We are excited to get started on the work.”
The cooperative agreement will promote the deployment and rapid adoption of new and innovative materials, design and construction procedures, specifications, practices, and methods to improve concrete pavement performance and extend pavement life.
“The fundamental intent is to integrate current innovations into best practices in the near future,” said Leif Wathne, the project’s manager. “A key part of the work will be to evaluate proposed innovations to ensure that they are beneficial and effective and to ensure delivery of the right messages into the hands of the right people through impactful technology transfer efforts.”